How could something so lovely and familiar be interpreted as a danger to avoid? Every child will experience some level of anticipation when the summer holidays commence and change is…
As told by G’s coffee-deprived dad. “We regularly see G held back in many situations”. Today we went swimming: new teacher + new class = new people and change. Read…
What is advocacy? Taking action to create a change. This could be a change in attitude - the hardest thing, which often happens through first hand experiences! A change in…
February half term saw meltdown after meltdown with G, whilst at Easter in the same place, we saw a much calmer G. Therefore all the family had a more enjoyable…
“It’s only with a bit of distance I can fully articulate my fury…” I'm working from home, the phone goes, it’s ‘The Academy’. G’s main Learning Support Assistant (LSA), a…