Can’t not won’t

A mum and dad share experiences of parenting their autistic son.
Hear stories of frustration and disbelief, alongside moments of joy and pride, as they navigate their way as a neurodivergent family in a mainstream society.

  • Blog 7: Anxiety awareness
    How could something so lovely and familiar be interpreted as a danger to avoid? Every child will experience some level…
  • Blog 6: Swimming lessons
    As told by G’s coffee-deprived dad. “We regularly see G held back in many situations”. Today we went swimming: new…
  • Blog 5: How to advocate well.
    What is advocacy? Taking action to create a change. Where and with who? So, there will be much advocating in…
  • Blog 4: A holiday breakthrough?
    February half term saw meltdown after meltdown with G, whilst at Easter in the same place, we saw a much…
  • Blog 2: Sensory struggles
    “A chainsaw is about to chase after me and cut me in half.” This was nothing out of the ordinary…


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